An Oaks Ambassador SHARES | Save The Oaks

The fourth step to becoming an Oaks Ambassador is SHARING with family and friends about how God has used The Oaks in the past, the present unfortunate circumstance, and the hope for a continued future.  As I talk to many of you, I am reminded over and over again of how God has used The Oaks to build the church and His people for His glory.  Share your story and see if God doesn't inspire others to join you in supporting The Oaks.

Share from the heart and invite others into the story God is writing at The Oaks:

1.) How did The Oaks impact your faith?

2.) How did you see it impact the lives of others?

3.) What will the world be like if The Oaks stays closed or is re-opened with a different purpose other than serving the body of Christ?

4.) What has God led you to do so far to support this cause?

5.) How can your friends and families join you in supporting as well?

Teen's Story | I Met Jesus At Summer Camp!

One of our teens shared that he did not know Jesus before going to camp. He sometimes went to Catholic church with his mother, but felt very disconnected from God and thought God was boring. Then his friend convinced him to go to camp because of the activities! After evening fire circle during the invitation time, this student said he saw Jesus walk towards him and give him a hug! He began to weep and ended up crying the rest of the night. Later that evening as his cabin had individual devotion time under the stars on the field, he saw Jesus walk towards him and this time Jesus kissed him on the cheek. After hearing the Gospel from his counselor, he gave his life to Jesus! He said that now he knew Jesus was real, Jesus loved him, Jesus forgave him, and the rest of his life is all for Jesus.

(Shared with permission from one of our urban partner ministries)


Early 2000’s winter Camp at Frasier Park

Fresno Teens

The Power Of ShaRING!

"Many of the Samaritans of that city (Sychar) believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified."

John 4:39


Will Write A Future Story

 Together we can make this happen.


Share our mission with your network. Help us build our Facebook group!


Oasis Ministry Ventures is committed to seeing that the ministry of The Oaks Camp continues for generations to come.

Sean McFeely

Sean is Executive Director of OMV and helped found the organization in November of 2020.

An Oaks Ambassador ASKS | Save The Oaks


An Oaks Ambassador INVITES | Save The Oaks