July 2022 Newsletter
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

July 2022 Newsletter

Winter Camp theme announced, LA Christian School returning to camping with OMV, Benchmarking one of the Best, plus Prayer requests and more…

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June 2022 Newsletter
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

June 2022 Newsletter

Where are we hosting camp for Summer of 2023? How did Johnny become bolder at ReConnect 2022? Read on to find out!

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May 2022 Newsletter
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

May 2022 Newsletter

Yesterday our board met for three hours of strategic planning. The outcome? We are believing by faith that God will provide the resources to do two winter weekends and three weeks of summer camp for urban youth in 2023.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Thoughts on Contemplation and Planning
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Thoughts on Contemplation and Planning

Do we practice what we preach? Are we spending all this time learning about listening and never really taking time to listen? Does the way we lead allow space for God to work and speak? Explore these and other questions today as Alan reflects on integrating contemplative practices into corporate ministry leadership.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Unshakable and Assured
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Unshakable and Assured

Today's thought hit me right between the eyes. I am in the midst of digesting the winter teen retreat, and as our first event, it can be easy to get lost in critically reviewing all the things that need improvement rather than focusing on God's goodness and provision. We hosted an event for over 450 with no COVID cases, and 100+ students decided to "Keet that Same Energy" by looking steadfastly to Jesus. Amen.

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April 2022 Newsletter
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

April 2022 Newsletter

GOD rocked the house at our Winter Camp - ReConnect Retreat 2022. Over four hundred fifty people gathered and over 100 responded to “Keep that Same Energy” by looking steadfastly to Jesus and trusting Him.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - The Fruits of Solitude
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - The Fruits of Solitude

As you read this I am enjoying an afternoon of solitude after taking in a 36 hour youth worker's conference with Amy. It is important to work in recovery time when you come off an intense period of family life, work, or ministry. The teen retreat was amazing and intense. I am certainly glad that I planned some solitude to reflect on it and give God the glory. Are you in need of some solitude also?

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Your Tears Will Teach You
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Your Tears Will Teach You

According to the Google defintion, tears are a drop of clear salty liquid secreted from glands in a person's eye when they cry or when the eye is irritated; the state or action of crying. While the denotation of this word seems impersonal and bland, this week we discover that the connotation of tears is far more deep, personal, emotional, and significant than on the surface.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Solitude Retreat: An Unhurried Day With God
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Solitude Retreat: An Unhurried Day With God

This weekend is our ReConnect Retreat. I will be pouring out and because I know I will need filling afterwards, I have already scheduled a retreat with my wife Amy at a youth workers event and then a time just with the Lord and I. When was the last time you took a day with Jesus and just spent time together? Learn how you can incorporate this renewal into you life from our friends at Unhurried Living.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Sustaining Your Life: Restored By Beauty
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Sustaining Your Life: Restored By Beauty

Next week I will be landing in LAX and heading up to Big Bear to greet 400+ campers in the mountains. I can not wait to see what refreshing spiritual fruit and creativity will be unleashed as students who have been cloistered in the city for two years, with endless COVID restrictions, to be free in God's creation and beauty.

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March 2022 Newsletter
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

March 2022 Newsletter

ReConnect Retreat is just 12 days away and it is going to be full! Find out who is coming and how you can pray.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Streams in the Wasteland
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Streams in the Wasteland

For those of you living in California, conjuring up the image of a desert is pretty easy. I love the brutal beauty of the parched land that somehow still supports the life God designed to live there. We too sometimes find ourselves living in a spiritual desert, and we can live there for a long time. But, there is nothing like the living water Jesus gives us, especially when we haven't had a rainy season in a while

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ReConnect Retreat Update | Prayer Requests
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

ReConnect Retreat Update | Prayer Requests

We are cresting 400 participants for March 18-20th ReConnect Retreat. Keep praying for God to move in mighty ways in the lives of all involved, particularly our students who have had such a hard last two years!

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Is God Easy to Live With?
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Is God Easy to Live With?

If we grew up in a strict home without intimacy with our parents, it can be hard to imagine God cares for us at all and far too easy to imagine Him as a task master. Conversely, if we grew up with very loving and intimate parents without any boundaries for us, we may have trouble seeing God as Holy and how our sin grieves Him. Ideally we had something in the middle that reflects our God's character.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat -Appearance Management for the Soul
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat -Appearance Management for the Soul

Each year we swap out dishes after Thanksgiving for this bucolic set of Christmas dishes showing a small town, a church with a steeple and snow day activities.  But the fact that we change the appearance of what our meal sits on,  does not change how the meal tastes.  A bad meal continues to be a bad meal, and a good one continues to be good.  Today we are encouraged to look at what window dressing we might be using to cover up the flavor of our souls.

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