An Oaks Ambassador ASKS | Save The Oaks

The fifth step to becoming an Oaks Ambassador is ASKING your church family to consider ways they can support the Save The Oaks efforts! Sean and others are at the ready to visit with a pastor, speak with a committee, submit a proposal, or preach a sermon. But, we need you to make an introduction and ask them what their first step is... Each church is unique! And, you have the best connection.

Ways You can ASK your Home Church to be Involved:

1.) Ask them to add Save The Oaks to their prayer chain or listing.

2.) Ask if they will introduce the cause from the pulpit or in their communications, and invite members to meet with you to learn more.

3.) Ask them to show our 2.5 minute video!

4.) Ask if you can put a stack of brochures out or do a bulleting insert about Save The Oaks - we have them available, just ask us.

5.) Ask what process we need to go through to receive consideration for financial support - either as a special offering, or as a part of their annual budget.

6.) Ask if they would be willing to send volunteers to help clean up camp and staff weekends once a purchase is made?

Just Ask | Westside Christian Fellowship

When we first learned of the closure of The Oaks, we connected with as many local pastors as we could.  Among many that responded was Westside Christian Fellowship.  All it took was asking, and they offered to broadcast the Save The Oaks need on their local radio station reaching the whole Antelope Valley and beyond.  Then, they asked how else they could help and we met to brainstorm social media avenues.  Then, we asked to visit on a Sunday and if they would introduce us and allow us to meet with parishioners after the service in the Lobby to share about Save The Oaks.  The Lord has provided an outpouring of support from this Church because we asked.  We could tell you similar stories about Faith Community Church, Grace Chapel, and the Bridge Bible Fellowship.  These relationships began because someone connected to the church just ASKED.


The Power Of ASKING

"Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven."

Matthew 18:19


Will Write A Future Story

 Together we can make this happen.


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Oasis Ministry Ventures is committed to seeing that the ministry of The Oaks Camp continues for generations to come.

Sean McFeely

Sean is Executive Director of OMV and helped found the organization in November of 2020.

July 4, 2021—Acorn of Truth


An Oaks Ambassador SHARES | Save The Oaks