TAKE 5 | A Vibrant Connection
God works in and through us through the Holy Spirit, crafting and shaping us from the inside out. We are connected internally so that we can externally represent, glorify, and shared Christ with others. How is your connection internally and externally?

TAKE 5 | God Values Rest
We are created to work and rest, one can't exist without the other. But even when we practice good rest ethic and good work ethic, are we truly valuing rest as good and fulfilling gift that is is from our Heavenly Father?

TAKE 5 | The Myth of Balance
Life is complicated. Our attention and energy is pulled in all directions to family, friends, church, work, hobbies, trips, appointments. We seek balance in this chaos, but real life is unpredictable. Today Gem gives us some thoughts on how we can cultivate a rhythm that is Real.

TAKE 5 | Working on a Good Rest Ethic
As Christians we are called to work diligently and do good to those around us, but have you considered that good work ethic should be paired with a good rest ethic? Work and rest are both equally important gifts from God that both bring Him glory, but oftentimes it can be difficult to give both ethics equal importance and attention. How is your balance?

TAKE 5 | 4 Ways to Connect to God Soulfully
Today I was writing devotions for a friend's ministry to summer camps, character building ministries. One of the topics I got to connect soulfully on was God's Holiness as I considered Psalm 99:5 “Exalt the LORD out God, bow in worship at his footstool. He is holy.” How is God inviting you to connect?

TAKE 5 | The Fruit of Leadership Journaling
Have you journaled yet this week? This month? This year? And, no, I am not talking about reading the Wall Street Journal. Why not try writing a journal entry today?

October Ripples Newsletter
Prayer request for one of our faithful volunteers, happy trailers, campfire faith banquet report, LACS heads to the mountains, and more.

TAKE 5 | The Practice of Leadership Journaling
Like Alan, I too have kept a journal for most of my life, but it is more sporadic, saved for times when I can pull away and really reflect more deeply. I can thank Ms. Wilson, my 10th grade English teacher for this habit. I prefer pen and paper - steno notebooks, and most recently a prayer journal by Jarrett Culver which helps me to pray, reflect on Scripture using the SOAP method, and list three things I am grateful for today. It is a great habit to have.

TAKE 5 | The Problem with Discontent
This week's reflection hit me deep in my gut. Henri Nouwen calls it the 'temptation to be spectacular' in his little book, really a speech, In the Name of Jesus. Gem calls it the sauce. What we really are talking about here is the feeling that what we are, or are experiencing, is not enough. Yet, we all know in Jesus we are enough, and that the life He leads us in is enough.

TAKE 5 | Vacare Deo: Making Space for God in Our Lives
I took two years of Latin in high school, so I geeked out a little on this week's Latin lesson. Hope you appreciate its meaning too!

TAKE 5 | Enjoying the Unexpected
I like a good plan, and I must admit at times I get rattled by last minute changes. But what if that last minute change was a 'God-incidence' where He is interrupting us to provide a greater opportunity?

TAKE 5 | Why Wait?
Have you ever tried to pull something off in your own strength rather than waiting? How did that go for you? For me, it usually does not go well unless God is gracious in spite of my rush into things. How then can we wait for the Lord?

TAKE 5 | Jesus Joins Us in Our Suffering
"I will never leave you or forsake you.", "Lo, I will be with you to the very end of the age." and "I am sending a comforter." are all the phrases of Scripture that enter my head when I ponder - Jesus Joins Us in Our Suffering.

September Ripples Newsletter
Our celebration of campfire faith is coming Sept. 23 at 5pm in Santa Clarita, CA at a private home. Don’t miss this time of food, fund, faith and fellowship.

TAKE 5 | Mini-The Gift of Unexpected Rest
Before camp even began, one out of town volunteer tested positive for COVID. We isolated them for the week, which led to a lot of unexpected rest! He learned the trip was not about what he could do, and that his role could be covered. God was not surprised, and probably enjoyed the extra attention He got that week as this person prayed, listened to sermons online, and just recuperated. Later his son joined him, and they got some extra unique father/son time together too!

TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - Signs You Might Be Exhausted
The last month was very full with staff training, our first week of camp, weddings, kids getting ready for college, and several family members dealing with illness or injury. It can be exhausting! God has graciously given me moments to float on my back and take in some air - literally and figuratively.

August Ripples Newsletter
Catalyst Camp Kudos, Swim for Students, Fall Fundraising Banquet - “Campfire Faith”, and Oasis Outback with LACS

TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - One Dark Night: A Deeper Work of God
Today's thought ties in perfectly with the first temptation Henry Nouwen shares in his book, In The Name of Jesus which we are studying as a program team this week during staff training. It is the temptation to be relevant to this world, when Jesus only asks us, "Do you love me?" He reminds us our only relevance is rooted in His love for us and our reciprocating that love, not what we do, how we perform, or what others think.