TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - One Dark Night: A Deeper Work of God
Take 5, Ripples Newsletter, Special Updates Sean McFeely Take 5, Ripples Newsletter, Special Updates Sean McFeely

TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - One Dark Night: A Deeper Work of God

Today's thought ties in perfectly with the first temptation Henry Nouwen shares in his book, In The Name of Jesus which we are studying as a program team this week during staff training. It is the temptation to be relevant to this world, when Jesus only asks us, "Do you love me?" He reminds us our only relevance is rooted in His love for us and our reciprocating that love, not what we do, how we perform, or what others think.

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TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - Under Construction: Every Stage Matters
Take 5, Ripples Newsletter, Special Updates Sean McFeely Take 5, Ripples Newsletter, Special Updates Sean McFeely

TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - Under Construction: Every Stage Matters

God is always working in our lives. Whether seen or unseen, He is constantly refining us and our hearts. The process may be messy, and sometimes we may doubt if the end result is worth it, but journey is just as important as the end goal. No matter where we are in Christ’s construction, there is something to be learned.

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TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - The Importance of Listening to God
Take 5, Ripples Newsletter, Special Updates Sean McFeely Take 5, Ripples Newsletter, Special Updates Sean McFeely

TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - The Importance of Listening to God

When I think of listening to God, the story of the prophet Samuel hearing the voice of God in 1 Samuel Chapter 3 always comes to mind. God does not speak His message until Samuel recognizes the voice is God in verse ten. "Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” Are we humbly listening, and do we recognize His voice?

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TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - Retreat as a Leadership Strategy (Part 2) 

TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - Retreat as a Leadership Strategy (Part 2) 

We continue our look at the need for retreat as leaders and the wisdom of Elton Trueblood, spiritual writer from the Quaker stream of our faith. After a very full fourth of July celebration day, I am guessing many of you are thinking like me that you need a day of vacation to recover from your day of vacation. I encourage you to schedule a day this month to retreat. Amy and I are celebrating our 25th together with our Creator immediately after our week of camp. We have put this retreat in ahead of time so we don't miss the moment. When is your next moment?

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