TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - Under Construction: Every Stage Matters
Take 5, Ripples Newsletter, Special Updates Sean McFeely Take 5, Ripples Newsletter, Special Updates Sean McFeely

TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - Under Construction: Every Stage Matters

God is always working in our lives. Whether seen or unseen, He is constantly refining us and our hearts. The process may be messy, and sometimes we may doubt if the end result is worth it, but journey is just as important as the end goal. No matter where we are in Christ’s construction, there is something to be learned.

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TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - The Importance of Listening to God
Take 5, Ripples Newsletter, Special Updates Sean McFeely Take 5, Ripples Newsletter, Special Updates Sean McFeely

TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - The Importance of Listening to God

When I think of listening to God, the story of the prophet Samuel hearing the voice of God in 1 Samuel Chapter 3 always comes to mind. God does not speak His message until Samuel recognizes the voice is God in verse ten. "Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” Are we humbly listening, and do we recognize His voice?

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TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - Retreat as a Leadership Strategy (Part 2) 

TAKE 5 | Mini-Retreat - Retreat as a Leadership Strategy (Part 2) 

We continue our look at the need for retreat as leaders and the wisdom of Elton Trueblood, spiritual writer from the Quaker stream of our faith. After a very full fourth of July celebration day, I am guessing many of you are thinking like me that you need a day of vacation to recover from your day of vacation. I encourage you to schedule a day this month to retreat. Amy and I are celebrating our 25th together with our Creator immediately after our week of camp. We have put this retreat in ahead of time so we don't miss the moment. When is your next moment?

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Take 5 | Mini-Retreat - Seven Central Paradigms
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

Take 5 | Mini-Retreat - Seven Central Paradigms

I was raised by and large to view life as a competition, but as I grew in my faith and discipleship, I have learned finding the 'third way' is the way of love. The third way is finding a win-win solution which honors everyone's interests and seeks to lovingly find an answer that values all in the process. I don't always land on love when I am tired, stressed, or just plain selfish, but it is a worthy goal to contemplate for five minutes today as you think about this idea and six other paradigms of faith.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Retreat as a Leadership Strategy (Part 1)
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Retreat as a Leadership Strategy (Part 1)

My grandfather who died before I can remember, was a lone Presbyterian among three Philadelphia Quaker brothers. I first found Elton Trueblood, a Quaker spiritual writer of the 20th century, on his library shelf. Today, we explore the need for regular retreat beyond the five minutes we take weekly to read this blog. As I head up to the lake home my grandfather blessed our future family generations with for rest, recreation, and retreat, I am grateful to catch a glimpse of how one of his spiritual readings may have led to the purchase.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Create A Clearing
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Create A Clearing

Our life can be represented like a forest. The trees represent all of the people and needs in our lives with the soil, sun, and water representing the necessary ingredients of life that we receive through our faith. However an often overlooked need of a tree is space. A tree can survive with limited space, however if the tree has space to thrive, then its roots can grow deep into the soil and soak up all of the water as well as reach for the sun with all of its branches. Just like the trees we will thrive rather than just survive is we cultivate space in our life to grow in our faith walk.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Turning Toward Rest
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Turning Toward Rest

Jesus is close to us and we are close to him when we are following him and heeding his counsel, abiding in him in loving and humble obedience, and resisting impulses that take us away from him in empty activity. This is the spirit of his invitation to repent. It is both a turning away and a turning toward. It’s not just a matter of morality but of loving allegiance to Jesus.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Lead From the Heart
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Lead From the Heart

Our heart posture is essential to our relationship with Christ. It represents how we truly hold others and indicates the motivities behind of our actions. What do your actions reveal about your inner workings and how might we be able to continue to experience transformation through our hearts?

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Repentance as Receptivity
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Repentance as Receptivity

Repentance is a gift from God. It may not seem to be the most desirable gift, but when we chose to receive it, we are welcoming the the will of the Lord into our lives. And if we live by the will of God, then we will find ourselves living a life that is rooted and constantly cultivated by the Lord.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - How to Change the World
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - How to Change the World

Have you ever wanted to change the world, make an impact, or have a legacy? Today we explore the unconventional ways the Jesus calls us to change the world. Through Him we can change the world through the repentance of the human heart. When we have this inward transformation, only then are we able to fully turn toward a vision of the kingdom of God and display His goodness to those around us.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Becoming a Wise Counselor
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Becoming a Wise Counselor

The Lord walks with us and talks with us through all of our trials and tribulations. Let’s take a look at how we can represent Christ by walking alongside others in their walk with the Lord with patience and encouragement.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Await the Fullness
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Await the Fullness

Life is draining, and we are renewed and replenished through intentional time spent with the Lord. But even if your cup has been replenished, is it being filled up at the same rate it flows out, like a canal, or does it resemble a reservoir where it flows out once it is filled with the goodness of God?

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April Ripples
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

April Ripples

God moved incredibly at the Spark 3 Retreat to ignite Faith, Hope, and Love. Summer camp preparations are in full swing. Oasis Outback gets turbo charged, and more.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Resurrection Seems Late
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Resurrection Seems Late

Resurrection is the transformation from death to life. It is only through Christ that we are able to rise from our deathly sin to holy eternal life. But in our humanity and with our doubt it may not always feel that way. Do you feel trapped in death by your sin?

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