June 12, 2021—Video update

Wondering how Sean’s trip to Southern California June 3rd to the 9th went? View his update now.


Update Summary

Antelope Valley Christian Ministerial Alliance: Great lunch presentation with 60 Pastors and Christian Workers from the Valley. Thanks to Jack’s Place in Leona Valley for donating our lunches!

Gracefest: Met with Yvette Emard to learn about their ministry and how we can collaborate.

Lake Hughes Town Council: Shared our vision with the community.

Westside Christian Fellowship Visit: Attended 9am service and connected with many families blessed by The Oaks at our table.

Bridge Bible Fellowship Breakfast: Steve Lively, the worship pastor, and long time Oaks fan, hosted a delicious informational breakfast for interested pastors and individuals in the San Fernando Valley.

Our Host and Hostess are the Mostest!: A deep thanks to Ron and Tiffany Simpson for providing a guest room the entire week. What a great gift of hospitality and a huge savings they provided for the ministry!

Pray Pray Pray: Keep crying out to God and asking for great things!


Don’t Wait!

Please pray and give. If you are unable to give now, please pledge. But whatever you do, don't wait!

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Oasis Ministry Ventures is committed to see that The Oaks Camp in Lake Hughes continues its ministry for generations to come.

Sean McFeely

Sean is Executive Director of OMV and helped found the organization in November of 2020.


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