Save The Oaks Update + More 90 Second Stories "on the air" with KKLA

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Sean McFeely with Oasis Full Time

Sean McFeely, president of Oasis Ministry Ventures, is joining the campaign full time! Sean is thrilled to be able to commit 100% of his time to the effort and focus on pursuing major donors for Save The Oaks! Please pray for new relationships that will blossom into ministry partnerships for God's glory.

Facebook Group

We are SUPER excited that the Save The Oaks group on Facebook now has a reach of over 760 members! Please help spread the word. We regularly talk with people who still have not heard that The Oaks is closed and being sold!

Pledges & Donations

To date we have received $309,655 towards our goal of $1,000,000. Please keep praying and please keep pledging! The reality is that time is short. April is our “all systems go” month! The bottom line: we need to raise 1 million dollars in order to present a solid offer when The Oaks officially goes "on the market". Can you help by making a donation or pledge today?

Facebook Drawing

Our next Facebook drawing will be coming soon. When we reach 800 members there will be a special post and those who comment will be entered into a $10 Starbucks gift card drawing. Make sure to comment!


More 90 Second Stories “On The Air” with KKLA!

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Listen to Braden’s Story (90 seconds)

Braden grew up in a low income area with barely any food in the pantry and no money to go to camp. Through age 16 he got to go to camp because of generous donations like yours!


Listen to Angela’s Story (90 seconds)

Angela was adopted and had a very abusive childhood. She remembers every memory of camp! “It saved me from a whole lot of stuff I could have gotten into…I tried to hide so that I didn’t have to get on the bus to go home!”


Don't Wait!

Please pray and give. If you are unable to give now please pledge. But whatever you do, don't wait!


Oasis Ministry Ventures is committed to see that The Oaks Camp in Lake Hughes continues as a sacred Christian space for generations to come.


Take 5 | Mini Retreat (See the Day - Being Present)


90 Second Stories Airing on KKLA (Listen Here)