May 2021 - Save The Oaks Campaign Update

Meet The President

Sean McFeely, Board President and CEO is in the L.A. area April 30th-May 7th to meet with a potential camp partner, a foundation officer, many church leaders, a local town mayor, prospective anchor donors and MAYBE YOU! You could support our cause by introducing Sean to someone from your network who might become an investor or partner. Email Sean now to get on his schedule. Also on Sean’s itinerary is a meeting with PassionLA to revive their teen Fall Retreat—wouldn’t it be grand to invite them back to The Oaks! Sean values your prayers that he might travel safely and be granted wisdom that he finds favor and funding.

New Tools to Extend Your Reach

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Become an ambassador for our Save The Oaks campaign by sharing our new professionally designed campaign brochure. This gives you a high-quality tool to

share with your mission committee chair, a local business owner, your wealthy aunt, as you invite them into our plan to bring back campers. You can make a request for the brochures on our website which is being refreshed within the next week to upgrade and align our branding.

Also powerful is your invitation to a group of people (zoom or in person) to gather together to learn about the importance of The Oaks and why it’s urgent we make the purchase and reopen. You get the people there and we’ll provide the brief program! Ask Paul for details.



Thanks to Westside Christian Fellowship—the first church community to donate funds to our cause! WCF has also agreed to run our ad for another month on WCF radio, 91.9. How could your church help?

We’re grateful to Guyla Clayton for generously pledging her support. Guyla lives in the Leona Valley so she watched her own children (now grown) and their friends mature as Leaders-In-Training and eventually regular summer staff at The Oaks. She’s a long-time friend of the camp through her church’s partnership and she has a real heart for The Oaks’ unique outreach to the city

kids of L.A, saying “we could see kids’ lives change”. While Guyla was disappointed to learn the camp is for sale, her pledge represents her faithfulness to and hope for its original mission.


You might have missed the early morning interviews that Sean and David James of KKLA radio have done with people who care about The Oaks. Be inspired by their witness to the power of camp to change lives. Click the links below to listen at your convenience.

Urban ministry leaders Passion LA with Bobby Lopez and Cielo.

Local faith leaders Pastor Chris Johnson and Bishop Henry Hearns.

Recording artist and past donor to The Oaks Pat Boone.

Use Social Media For Good!

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Social media is powerful. Use it for GOOD by connecting your network to our cause. We still hear people say, “I’m so sad! I had no idea The Oaks is closed and for sale.” Help us spread the word—trust the Holy Spirit to do the rest.

Don’t Wait!

Please pray and give. If you are unable to give now please pledge. But whatever you do, don't wait!

Save The Oaks Camp and Oasis Ministry Ventures

Oasis Ministry Ventures is committed to see that The Oaks Camp in Lake Hughes continues as a sacred Christian space for generations to come.

 Oasis Ministry Ventures exists to provide places and programs which point people to Christ, that give healing and hope to a hurting world, and which refresh, renew, restore, and equip the body of Christ for Kingdom Impact.


Take 5 | A Mini Retreat (Presence and Silence)


Take 5 | Mini Retreat (Morning Coffee, Morning Communion)