April 2021 - Save The Oaks Campaign Update

KKLA 99.5 Is Telling Our Story!

KKLA - Bobby and Cielo.png

It’s well documented that camp experiences provoke more than a “mountain top high”; they contribute to lasting faith formation. We’re working with KKLA 99.5 radio to share camp stories and generate interest in our urgent mission to make sure The Oaks continues to be that kind of camp. A great example is Cielo’s story. Cielo grew up in a meth house. The first time she went to camp people loved her, cared for her, and she wanted more! She gave her life to Christ at The Oaks.

Camp was freedom for her. Now, she’s on fire for Jesus and an active minister in Los Angeles. She’s an incredible urban leader today! LISTEN HERE. Big Wave Dave, KKLA host, did two other interviews that will air later this month but you can listen now: local faith leaders Pastor Chris Johnson and Bishop Henry Hearns and recording artist and past donor to The Oaks, Pat Boone.

What A Legacy!


A highlight of our campaign has been time spent with the heirs of Clarence Juday, the turn-of-the century homesteader whose generous donation of 122 acres of his land in 1960 birthed a camp in the Angeles National Forest that became The Oaks. Sean described it as a wonder when he and his wife Amy were shown the original documents granting the land for Mr. Juday’s stated purpose: “… an Evangelical, doctrinely fundamental camping program”. His heirs, Kathy and Jeanne, tell us he had a particular heart for “city kids” and the people of Sudan among whom he dreamed of serving as a missionary, but life circumstances prevented it.

Mr. Juday would delight in the international diversity of the church communities that have retreated at The Oaks and be grateful for the formative camp experiences that have shaped tens of thousands of young people from L.A.

Partner Progress


The Citygate Network (formerly Rescue Mission) has a strong presence in Southern California so we reached out to discuss a potential partnership. Four mission leaders from SoCal were excited enough about the possibility to tour the property in late March. We’re encouraged to see how a shared vision might evolve. Child Evangelism Fellowship is not in a position to partner for a purchase of the camp but they are eager to send campers. Likewise, Joni & Friends reps toured the camp with us and looks forward to holding some of its programming on site. Breathe in The Oaks for a minute with this video montage of our recent tour and prayer walk. Contact our President, Sean McFeely if you know of like-minded ministries that might benefit from partnering to save The Oaks.

Stakeholders Zoom Meeting - Tuesday April 6th, 5:00 PM PT

Please come to our next Stakeholders Zoom Meeting, Tuesday, April 6th, 5:00pmPDT. Our leadership team will tell you more about our vision, share our challenges and opportunities, provide a real time update on this fast-moving campaign, ask for your prayers and listen to your thoughts and questions. We especially invite former summer staff to feel the reunion vibe. You surely have some good stories to tell—and it would be good to see your faces! To guard the privacy of the gathering, REGISTER AHEAD OF TIME HERE. Do it now—even if your plans change, you’ll be registered.

The Power Of One


Falinda Farley has never been to The Oaks, but she is a woman of deep faith who walks the talk when it comes to caring for the next generation. A former camp intern told her friend Falinda about our mission to save The Oaks, especially for the kids of L.A. Falinda, a busy lady with lots of other demands, has responded to the call to act. She has connected friends on social media, she’s leaning into her network to find

connections for us, she’s got us on her prayer list, she requested the media toolkit and she has made donations. She knows the power of one obedient person following the call of God. So do we. Thanks to each ONE of you.

Time Is Of The Essence!

The Oaks will be officially “on the open market” most likely before you our next newsletter. When that happens, we need to be ready with money in the bank, pledges on the books and a wide group of supporters. This reality has our team setting May 1st goals of 2000 members in our Facebook Group (we’re currently in the 700s), and $1 million in donations/pledges (we’re currently a little over $300,000). We are an Easter people, trying to follow God’s guidance and trusting the path will open through His people. Please don’t wait to join us, because pledges and gifts NOW will have the greatest impact on achieving our goal. It will take less time for you to give on our website than it will to unwrap that Easter candy!

Volunteers Needed!


California Director of Public Health, Dr. Tomás Aragón, has responded to requests from camp leaders with a promised release of guidelines for COVID-safe operations of overnight camps.

The good news is that camps will be able to begin operations by June 1st! The Oaks should be one of those camps. If we are successful in making the purchase we’ll need an army of willing volunteers to get the camp up and ready to receive campers again. Contact us if you are ready and able to be on our list of those standing by.

New Look Coming!


We’re working with a very creative graphics team to capture our vision and enhance our communications. Watch for a new look and feel to our campaign in the coming weeks.


Take 5 | Mini Retreat (Fitness For Your Soul)


Take 5 | Mini Retreat (Restoration, Grace and Salvation)