TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - The Heart of an Unhurried Leader

Dear Partner,

When we make the choice to slow down our leadership we may get less done, but we often become more like Christ. And, Jesus calls us to be doers of His word, not just doers. So, the more I can be like Jesus as I lead, the more I do His word. In my life, at first, I had to make relationships 'tasks' to trick my self into making them a priority. Now I am more balanced and relationship flows more naturally into balance with the doing.

I encourage you to Take 5 | Mini Retreat. Take a few moments to rest your soul and grow in your intimacy with Jesus. May you experience the deep restoration God describes in Psalm 23:1 “…he restores my soul.”

Doing Jesus,

Sean McFeely

The Oasis Ministry Ventures Team

I recently completed my first offering of a coaching group called Soul Care Based Leadership. If you’ve been reading our emails for long, you know that at Unhurried Living we believe deeply in living and leading from the inside out.


During this coaching group, I shared my personal Rhythm of Life (ROL) as a prompt, and then each woman began crafting her own ROL. I do have a ROL that is based on the calendar, however, I’ve added some intentions rooted in who God has created me to be. This aspect has been forming for years, and I love what emerged:


Life Intentions 

  • To be who I am and to love from the center of that place.

  • To nurture my belief and experience that God is love and is always with.

  • To be present to the person with whom I am talking.

  • To share with others all that I have learned with grounded optimism and practical spirituality.

  • To remember that I and all those I meet are in-process and to liberally extend grace.


This is how I want to express myself when I am at my best—and, hopefully, also when I am at my worst. This is my way.


Recently, as I was perusing my journal, I came across another bulleted list, one that describes how unhurried leadership shows up in my own life:


Unhurried Leadership 

  • I am an unhurried leader.

  • I am not afraid to look within, to make changes, and to grow.

  • I make time for what is important to me: God. Relationships. Soul care.

  • I know I can’t go this alone. I need people who walk with me.

  • I practice authenticity and am learning to lay down masks and persona.

  • I believe in overflow. I don’t crank out goods and services. God initiates and I cooperate.

  • I take time to become present and rest. This is the engine for my productivity.


Neither list is right or wrong, and they certainly are not prescriptive or complete. But they do reflect my deepest intentions as I express myself in relationships with God and others.


Reflection Questions 

  • What might be on your intention and leadership lists?

  • How do you intend to live?

  • What does unhurried leadership look like for you?


Feel free to use my ideas as a jumping-off point for yourself. And reply to this email, letting us know what comes up for you.


Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Sean McFeely

Sean is Executive Director of OMV and helped found the organization in November of 2020.


TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Six Practices for Spiritual Retreat


June 2022 Newsletter