TAKE 5 | The Simple Truth About Your Identity
In our work based society it's easy to measure our worth by our achievements. But, what if we embraced the simple truth that God love us unconditionally instead of the exhausting "earning mode" mindset. What would it take to stop striving for achievement and live from your true identity in Christ, grounded in grace?
TAKE 5 | Recovering Prayerful Presence in a Hurry-Sick World
Hurry is not just a modern problem, but a human problem. We are prone to the mindset that we can always do a little more work or be there for anything and everyone. What would it look like to reclaim prayer as a sanctuary from hurry?
TAKE 5 | Gratitude: Preparing Our Hearts for Thanksgiving
Gratitude is a spiritual practice that draws us closer to God. It’s not merely acknowledging the good in our lives but recognizing the Giver of all good things. How have you received God's good gifts and how can we remember them?
TAKE 5 | Unlocking Wholeness: The Role of a Wise Guide in Your Spiritual Life
God does not intend for us to be alone, especially in our struggles. Can you think of someone you lean on for spiritual guidance? A friend, mentor, pastor, coach? How might you be encouraged by them and learn more of God's wisdom? How can you gain a better vision of Christ though others?
TAKE 5 | Embracing the Process: Moving Beyond Event Thinking in Our Walk with God
When we walk with God, do we overemphasize the extremes, the highs and lows? What if we take the focus off the summit and recognize God's transformative work as we take one step at a time? How might our understanding of God grow if we focus on the process instead of the destination?
TAKE 5 | From Pain to Compassion: How I Found Empathy in Suffering
It is an uncomfortable truth that we can’t grow in wisdom and maturity unless you traverse difficult circumstances. Intellectually we know this, but in reality how often to we as ‘Why'?’ rather than receiving God’s comfort in the difficulty.
TAKE 5 | Choosing Rest Over Rush: The Courage to Work with God’s Rhythm
Good rest is hard work. It takes courage to let go of the busyness and trust God in our rest. When we believe more deeply that we're not so much achieving our work as we are being entrusted with it, we can have more confidence and courage in our work and let ourselves rest in Christ.
TAKE 5 | The Power of Raw and Authentic Prayer
God made us. He knows us. So let us pray form where we are not where we think we should be. We are in his hands no matter our fear, anger, or grief. Let's meet God in our suffering.
TAKE 5 | God’s Good Work: Finding Purpose Beyond Frantic Activity
Sometimes it take more courage to stop, than it does to stay busy. But what if by working unhurried, we get more important things done? What if we made our good work about the good, rather than the work?
TAKE 5 | Finding Strength and Refuge in God
Where are you feeling pressed to your edges? Let's come to the feet of the father and drink deep from his word. Meditate on Psalm 27 and listen closely for what he has to say personally to you.
TAKE 5 | Solitude: A School for Purpose
Today we unpack the art of solitude and how it has the opportunity to teach us more about our sinfulness and God’s holiness. What does solitude mean to you? Have the times you’ve taken to be in solitude been fruitful or bounding?
TAKE 5 | Psalm 63: Thirsty For God
The poetry of the Psalms reminds us how we so desperately need God. They remind us how we rely on him, how we thirst to be satisfied by the only one who can fulfill us. Let's reflect together.
TAKE 5 | Breaking Free from Insecurity: How God’s Love Liberates Us from the Need for Approval
We know that we are saved by grace in Christ, but do we fully accept it? Knowing and relying on the love of God for us changes everything—inside and out. We can't find approval or satisfaction in anyone or anything except Him.
TAKE 5 | The Hidden Power of the Hero’s Journey
Gem reminds us today to be mindful of where you are in your journey. Every part of life is a journey, a process of becoming the person Christ wants us to be. Keep your finger on the pulse of the larger story in which God has placed you and continue to cooperate with his invitations along the way.
TAKE 5 | Taming Temptation: Slowing Down for Inner Peace
The temptation of anxiety wants to rush you to respond. It wants to hurry you to react. Like any temptation in the moment it seems reasonable, but what happens when we slow down and take to rest and reflect in the Peace of Christ?
TAKE 5 | Why Happiness ISN'T the Ultimate Goal
Happiness is temporary, something we can't rely on to be our ultimate goal since it is not reliant on God, but our circumstances. Joy and contentment are wise, solid, real, unbending, and unwavering graces that come from our God.
TAKE 5 | The Rush to Nowhere: How Anxiety Fuels Our Fast-Paced Lives
Forgetfulness is one of the great challenges of spiritual growth. So easily do we forget to submit to God and instead choose anxiety which fuels hurry and temptation. How might we be reminded to slow down and submit to God today?
TAKE 5 | Unpacking the Power of Compassion
In Isaiah 49:15 God illustrates how he will never forget us. This assurance speaks directly to our hearts. We long to be seen, heard, known, and loved. And God meets us in that very place. What will it look like for you to receive today?
TAKE 5 | Retreat Rhythms: Balancing Structure and Surrender in Solitude
Is your time with God structured or unstructured? Have you ever taken the time and space to allow God to work in unstructured time in your life? Today we investigate how we can retreat to lonely places and pray as Jesus often did.
TAKE 5 | Unlocking the Power of Trust
We look at Psalm 20 today to investigate and unlock the power of trust in Jesus Christ. We are reminded of the invitation to trust in our Everlasting Father rather than rely on something else such as our own strength. What might you be relying on instead of God?