TAKE 5 | Retreat Rhythms: Balancing Structure and Surrender in Solitude
Is your time with God structured or unstructured? Have you ever taken the time and space to allow God to work in unstructured time in your life? Today we investigate how we can retreat to lonely places and pray as Jesus often did.
TAKE 5 | Unlocking the Power of Trust
We look at Psalm 20 today to investigate and unlock the power of trust in Jesus Christ. We are reminded of the invitation to trust in our Everlasting Father rather than rely on something else such as our own strength. What might you be relying on instead of God?
TAKE 5 | Avoiding Undigested Scripture Reading
Have you read through the whole Bible or ever deeply studied God's word? 2nd Timothy 3:16-17 explains "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." What does our scripture reading time look like? Is it deeply reflective, focused on the wisdom of God?
July 2024 Ripples Newsletter
🌟 Exciting Updates from Ripples Newsletter - July 2024 Edition! 🌟
🎉 We're just $3,600 away from meeting our $10,000 Challenge Match goal!
🚀 Camp starts this week with Passion So Cal Youth Network leading the way, supported by OMV. Pray for a week full of spiritual growth and fun.
❄️ Winter Camp planning for Spark Retreats is in full swing for February 2025 at THE OAKS.
🌊 Los Angeles Christian School heads to La Jolla Group Campground in October.
🕊️ Remembering Chuck Simpson with a touching ceremony at Harbor Fire Station.
🙏 Join us in prayer on Zoom every first and third Tuesday of the month.
TAKE 5 | Creating Space for Grace: The Power of Saying No and Yes on Retreat
When we plan retreats or rest, do we really, fully remove distractions? Do we take the courage to say No so that we can experience the grace of God? Do we leave room for the Yes to God's generosity of his grace?
TAKE 5 | What is the Season of Your Soul?
Whether it's the weather or change amidst our lives, we all experience the ebb and flow of seasons. Today let's look closer and reflect on what season we're in and how and where God is meeting us in it.
TAKE 5 | Practicing Silence in Church
In today's fast-paced world, moments of quiet reflection in church services can be overlooked. But, silence on deepens our connection with God. Rethinking silence can bring a renewed sense of peace and spiritual growth to our worship practices.
TAKE 5 | Beyond Resistance: Discovering Peace Through Dependence and Surrender
The close relationship between righteousness and peace is fostered through the little virtues. Learning to align ourselves with God’s very good way for us tends to increase peace in our lives and our work. This is what I think the psalmist means when he writes, “Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other” (Psalm 85:10).
June 2024 Ripples Newsletter
Looking forward to Catalyst Camp 2024, celebrating a successful and meaningful adventure to the Channel Islands with LACS, and calling all camp kindness!
TAKE 5 | Focus vs. Distraction: Unpacking the Mary & Martha Story
What if we stopped labeling ourselves as a Mary or a Martha? What if we instead focused more on the characteristics these women portray in the Biblical narrative? How can we tune our focus to Jesus?
TAKE 5 | Little Virtues, Big Peace: Rediscovering Humility and Gentleness
To minimize anxiety we change our outside circumstances to be less stressful and more structured. But what if they keys is to focus on inward change? What would happen if we sought virtues Jesus embodied like humility and gentleness?
TAKE 5 | 6 Verses to Foster Spiritual Formation
God initiates. God transforms. Our part is to remain open, respond, and obey. Let's dive into the word and meditate on Him together. Let’s foster formation!
TAKE 5 | In the Eye of the Storm: Finding Peace Amidst Anxiety
Jesus cares about our concerns, but they don't worry him. He takes care of us just as he cares for and provides for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field. Where is he providing and caring for you?
May 2024 Ripples Newsletter
Please help us reach our goal of 10K for Summer Camp. Every dollar you give will be doubled!
TAKE 5 | Unlocking the Power of Transformation
Some Christians talk about conversion as a one-time event. But we are all being converted over our entire lifetime into the likeness of Christ. Conversion is long and slow and messy because it’s a change in nature. The question is, are you aware of and cooperating with the God-initiated process?
TAKE 5 | The Journey to Peace: Overcoming Anxiety in Mind, Body, and Spirit
Anxiety can secretly envelope the different areas of our life, affecting our mentality and even the physical tenseness of our body. But when we take away anxiety's authority and replace it with God's peace, out mind, body and spirit can recover.
TAKE 5 | Trust Tested
Today we ask of ourselves the challenging question "How far would I go in sacrificing that which I hold dear, in a spirit of loving trust?" It's not easy when our deepest more prayerful desires and dreams have not been fulfilled. But what will you do with the emotions that come with that unfulfillment? Are you going to God for healing or pushing Him away in anger?
TAKE 5 | Unmasking Anxiety (Part 2)
In today's devotion, Alan gives us three more types of anxiety that may be unintentionally driving our life. Anxiety claims to warn us of a problem, but the anxiety itself may be the problem.
April 2024 Ripples Newsletter
We have a fresh look, a fresh place for summer camp, and a fresh face to help us lead our programs. Take a peek.
TAKE 5 | From Information to Transformation: A Gracious Path to Growth
Hearing passages of the Bible over and over again inform us, but how often do we let them transform us? It usually isn't as often as we are informed by them. Let's walk through the Parable of the Sower today with the expectation of transformation.