TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Being God’s Children (Part 2)
Have you ever lost something important? When this happens to me, I frantically search for what I have lost, destroying everything in my way to find it. But then, always to my dismay, I find what I lost right in front of me. Today we dive deeper into Jesus' relationship with the Jewish leaders and how they could not find the Heavenly Father standing in front of them.
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat -Rejoicing About or Rejoicing In?
Rejoice. What comes to you when you hear that word? I think of pure innocent, delight and joy - a sunny day where your cheeks hurt from smiling. It's easy to rejoice after we have overcome an obstacle, but when was the last time you rejoiced in a season of struggle with that level of freedom. Today our friends at Unhurried Living remind us of the freedom and joy we have through Christ.
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Being God's Children
The apple doesn't fall to far from the tree they say. This week we explore whose child we are. The Pharisees were rebuked by Jesus for not truly reflecting Father Abraham. So, let's look at our own lives to see if we are truly reflecting our Heavenly Father.
Join us October 16th for our open house at Mountain Pointe! Discover how much Sean’s swim was able to raise for LACS Students and more…
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - 5 Ways to Engage Growth
In our relationship with Christ we are constantly being transformed into a new creation. Today our friends from Unhurried Living share some thoughts on how we can engage this growth, deepen our roots, and reach for the heights.
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - How God Lifts Us Up
Have you felt downtrodden or hopeless this week? Following Christ isn't easy, but as our devotional today reminds us that Jesus is 100% trustworthy. He always has our best intentions at the forefront of His mind because Jesus says exactly what is on God's heart.
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Can Frantic Work Be Dedicated to God?
This week I have been leaning into finding God’s calm in the midst of planning two important events. As I calm my mind and heart and fight the frantic with faith, the work I do is better and comes from the place Jesus desires.
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Cultivating a Culture of Blessing
This week we ponder the blessing of blessing. Paul admonishes us in Romans 12:14 (NLT) " Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them. Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all!" Discover how you can be blessed to be a blessing this week.
October Newsletter
Join us October 16th for our open house at Mountain Pointe! Discover how much Sean’s swim was able to raise for LACS Students and more…
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Gaining Perspective in the Presence
This week's thought will have you humming DC Talk's "In the Light" c.1995 by the end (if you are old enough to remember it!) If you need a little pep in your step, take a listen after reading, In The Light by DC Talk. or really go back in time to the original by Charlie Peacock in 1991.
Today, as I read this Take 5, I realized for the first time (Duh!) that "FORGIVEN" is a compound word. And the Latin root, "perdonare", means to give completely. My English, secondary ed. majoring daughter is smiling now as she reads this I am sure... Christ was GIVEN, FOR us, so we are completely "FORGIVEN"! And, we are fully embraced by the triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - The Way of Spiritual Authority
When working cross-culturally it is critical to consider our own biases and be open to new ways of understanding. Humility allows us to remove the distorted lens of our own culture and it also allows us to follow Jesus in new ways as we learn this week. “This is the way” to quote the Mandalorian.
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - The Gift of Being Known
You know you have known someone for a long time when you can recognize their mannerisms in their children or siblings when they are not around. God truly knows us even better than this example as the one who knit us together.
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - An Unhurried Practice: Reading Scripture Slowly
Some of the best meals out there are done in a slow cooker. Same is true of scripture. Slow down and consume the word by reading and listening the full flavor can come out.
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - God's Love is Foundational
Knowing God's love is key to growing in relationship to Him. Sometimes we miss out on intimacy with Him because we have wrong beliefs about who He is and the quality of His love. This week we are reminded of who He truly is.
August 2022 Newsletter
Join us October 16th for our open house at Mountain Pointe! Discover how much Sean’s swim was able to raise for LACS Students and more…
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Prayer: Getting Out of Our Ruts
Do you know what the difference between four wheel drive and two wheel drive is? The distance from the trailhead until you get stuck! Just like a vehicle on a rutted forest service road, we sometimes need to elevate ourselves and get more clearance (perspective) in our prayer life to gain traction and unstuck. Join me today for a ‘lift kit’ of sorts from our favorite couple at Unhurried Living.
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Praying Scripture: Thirsty for God
In the late 1990's my wife and I regularly met with a group praying for the film and entertainment industry in LA. It was here in these monthly gatherings I was first introduced to praying scripture. Since then it has been a staple of my spiritual diet. We invite you to sample it today!
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Love Well
This winter our teen retreat will focus on faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. Enjoy today's thoughts as we tune our minds into love.