TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Sacred Rhythms
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Sacred Rhythms

Unless I become a teacher, I don't think a month long sabbatical in July is going to happen for me. But, we can find ways to put sabbatical into our lives. I know the two summers I did take ministry/work sabbaticals, that I was really recharged in ways I could never have been otherwise. The older I get the more I find that less is more! Join me in exploring sabbatical with Gem.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Six Practices for Spiritual Retreat
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Six Practices for Spiritual Retreat

We have a big family wedding this weekend at our family's summer home on Lake George in upstate New York. This place has always been my home away from home, and Silver Bay YMCA , just down the road, has always been a great place for spiritual retreat since it was founded as the Y's missionary training center at the turn of the 20th century. This week Alan helps us discover six components of a great spiritual retreat. I hope you will plan some time in July to lean in to Jesus. I know I am!

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