TAKE 5 | Psalm 63: Thirsty For God
Take 5 Sean McFeely Take 5 Sean McFeely

TAKE 5 | Psalm 63: Thirsty For God

The poetry of the Psalms reminds us how we so desperately need God. They remind us how we rely on him, how we thirst to be satisfied by the only one who can fulfill us. Let's reflect together.

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TAKE 5 | Unlocking the Power of Trust
Take 5 Sean McFeely Take 5 Sean McFeely

TAKE 5 | Unlocking the Power of Trust

We look at Psalm 20 today to investigate and unlock the power of trust in Jesus Christ. We are reminded of the invitation to trust in our Everlasting Father rather than rely on something else such as our own strength. What might you be relying on instead of God?

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TAKE 5 | Unlocking the Power of Transformation
Take 5 Sean McFeely Take 5 Sean McFeely

TAKE 5 | Unlocking the Power of Transformation

Some Christians talk about conversion as a one-time event. But we are all being converted over our entire lifetime into the likeness of Christ. Conversion is long and slow and messy because it’s a change in nature. The question is, are you aware of and cooperating with the God-initiated process?

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TAKE 5 | Trust Tested
Take 5 Sean McFeely Take 5 Sean McFeely

TAKE 5 | Trust Tested

Today we ask of ourselves the challenging question "How far would I go in sacrificing that which I hold dear, in a spirit of loving trust?" It's not easy when our deepest more prayerful desires and dreams have not been fulfilled. But what will you do with the emotions that come with that unfulfillment? Are you going to God for healing or pushing Him away in anger?

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TAKE 5 | Unmasking Anxiety (Part 2)
Take 5 Sean McFeely Take 5 Sean McFeely

TAKE 5 | Unmasking Anxiety (Part 2)

In today's devotion, Alan gives us three more types of anxiety that may be unintentionally driving our life. Anxiety claims to warn us of a problem, but the anxiety itself may be the problem.

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TAKE 5 | 3 Reasons We Don't Rest Well
Take 5 Sean McFeely Take 5 Sean McFeely

TAKE 5 | 3 Reasons We Don't Rest Well

My wife, daughter Rebecca, and I spent MLK Jr. weekend up at Lake George for some R & R. Although the weather was not ideal for our typical outdoor activities, it enables us to enjoy peaceful walks alongside the lake and cozy nights besides the woodstove. While it was not what we expected, it helped us all to rest well and be intentional to rest well like Alan reminds us today.

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TAKE 5 | Soaking in Scripture
Take 5 Sean McFeely Take 5 Sean McFeely

TAKE 5 | Soaking in Scripture

We just got our first snow here in the Poconos. While the snow is stunning, sometimes we can get distracted by the shoveling, snow-blowing, or de-icing instead of soaking in the glorious wonder of snow. Sometimes we can do this with scripture and skim through it rather than soaking in the words of our Creator.

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TAKE 5 | The Practice of Leadership Journaling
Take 5 Sean McFeely Take 5 Sean McFeely

TAKE 5 | The Practice of Leadership Journaling

Like Alan, I too have kept a journal for most of my life, but it is more sporadic, saved for times when I can pull away and really reflect more deeply. I can thank Ms. Wilson, my 10th grade English teacher for this habit. I prefer pen and paper - steno notebooks, and most recently a prayer journal by Jarrett Culver which helps me to pray, reflect on Scripture using the SOAP method, and list three things I am grateful for today. It is a great habit to have.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Prayer: Getting Out of Our Ruts
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Prayer: Getting Out of Our Ruts

Do you know what the difference between four wheel drive and two wheel drive is? The distance from the trailhead until you get stuck! Just like a vehicle on a rutted forest service road, we sometimes need to elevate ourselves and get more clearance (perspective) in our prayer life to gain traction and unstuck. Join me today for a ‘lift kit’ of sorts from our favorite couple at Unhurried Living.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Very Married: More Reflections on Long-Time Love
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Very Married: More Reflections on Long-Time Love

Amy and I are approaching 24 years this year, and we are much like Alan and Gem. Our pre-marriage counselor told us we were 'double trouble' differing in both pace and priority. Amy leans into relationships and takes her time, I am fast paced and enjoy a good checklist. Yet we make it work. Our strongly held common core values, love for adventure and love for Jesus keep us glued.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - The God Who wants to Help Us
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - The God Who wants to Help Us

I loved the prayer in this week's Take 5. If we are all honest sometimes we feel this way despite reality being very different. So we need to take our thoughts captive, making them obedient to Christ as Paul directs us in 2 Corinthians 2:5. I have printed this prayer out to put by my monitor for when my feelings betray me. Maybe you will too?

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - A Post Easter Week Reflection
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - A Post Easter Week Reflection

As many of us get back into our normal routines, students return to studies, and Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday go back to "normal" days, it is important to reflect on what we just celebrated.  Which day of Holy Week was most meaningful to you and why?

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Your Tears Will Teach You
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Your Tears Will Teach You

According to the Google defintion, tears are a drop of clear salty liquid secreted from glands in a person's eye when they cry or when the eye is irritated; the state or action of crying. While the denotation of this word seems impersonal and bland, this week we discover that the connotation of tears is far more deep, personal, emotional, and significant than on the surface.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Is God Easy to Live With?
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Is God Easy to Live With?

If we grew up in a strict home without intimacy with our parents, it can be hard to imagine God cares for us at all and far too easy to imagine Him as a task master. Conversely, if we grew up with very loving and intimate parents without any boundaries for us, we may have trouble seeing God as Holy and how our sin grieves Him. Ideally we had something in the middle that reflects our God's character.

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat -What Will You Leave Behind?
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat -What Will You Leave Behind?

My daughter and I are going through coins that my father left behind in his bureau tonight. There is a Morgan silver dollar, various Kennedy quarters, indian head nickels, aluminum vichy French francs, schillings, pence, and a whole host of other world coins from 1816 to the 1980's. We can only imagine where he gathered them and how. Each gives us a clue into his and my grandfather's travels. What will people remember about you from what you leave behind?

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