Take Five | Mini-Retreat - Good at Being Bad?
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

Take Five | Mini-Retreat - Good at Being Bad?

What a tragedy when someone who identifies as one of God’s people is so foolish that they (1) don’t actually know or understand the God they claim to belong to, and (2) have instead become well-trained in doing exactly what grieves God’s heart.

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Take Five | Mini Retreat - Managing Your Inner Fixer
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

Take Five | Mini Retreat - Managing Your Inner Fixer

Are you an asker or a teller?  If you are a teller this week's thought is for you, and if your an asker, it is as well.  The skill we look at this week, of holding space and making the person you are with the complete focus of your attention, is a gift you can give anyone you love and serve!  And, it requires slowing down.

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