TAKE 5 | Recovering Prayerful Presence in a Hurry-Sick World
Hurry is not just a modern problem, but a human problem. We are prone to the mindset that we can always do a little more work or be there for anything and everyone. What would it look like to reclaim prayer as a sanctuary from hurry?
TAKE 5 | Taming Temptation: Slowing Down for Inner Peace
The temptation of anxiety wants to rush you to respond. It wants to hurry you to react. Like any temptation in the moment it seems reasonable, but what happens when we slow down and take to rest and reflect in the Peace of Christ?
TAKE 5 | Unmasking Anxiety (Part 2)
In today's devotion, Alan gives us three more types of anxiety that may be unintentionally driving our life. Anxiety claims to warn us of a problem, but the anxiety itself may be the problem.
TAKE 5 | Unmasking Anxiety (Part 1)
Anxiety can underly our heart, mind, soul, and work. Today we'll share three attributes of God, the Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, and Father we can remember when we become aware of this. Remember God is always with us!
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
With Christmas right around the corner it has been a whirlwind of a month. While the hustle and bustle of the holidays brings anticipation for fun holiday gatherings and time with family, the hustle and bustle on top of all of the regular business can be exhausting. Has the hurry of the holidays been wearing on you or pulling you away rather the closer to Christ? Let's look at how the hurries of the holidays can impact our spiritual health.