TAKE 5 | The Journey to Peace: Overcoming Anxiety in Mind, Body, and Spirit
Anxiety can secretly envelope the different areas of our life, affecting our mentality and even the physical tenseness of our body. But when we take away anxiety's authority and replace it with God's peace, out mind, body and spirit can recover.
TAKE 5 | Unmasking Anxiety (Part 2)
In today's devotion, Alan gives us three more types of anxiety that may be unintentionally driving our life. Anxiety claims to warn us of a problem, but the anxiety itself may be the problem.
TAKE 5 | Unmasking Anxiety (Part 1)
Anxiety can underly our heart, mind, soul, and work. Today we'll share three attributes of God, the Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, and Father we can remember when we become aware of this. Remember God is always with us!
TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - A Choice That Can Reduce Anxiety
I can be a control freak at times. How about you? And if you don't feel in control, that can lead to anxiety. Well, this week we get to unpack this a bit further with our dynamic duo at Unhurried Living.