TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Start with the Ending
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Start with the Ending

A little over two years ago, my dad went to be with the Lord. Sadly cancer took him before we all would have liked. He had a great ending filled with redemption as he beat his alcoholism with the Lord’s strength and lived his last four years clean, sober, and healing. Today Gem ponders the same thought, what do we want our ending to be like, and how can we start living towards it today?

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TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Less Information, More Formation
Sean McFeely Sean McFeely

TAKE FIVE | Mini-Retreat - Less Information, More Formation

I love reading a book over the holidays because there is time to absorb and savor the content. During non-holiday times, however, lots of reading can overwhelm me, and I suspect many of you as well. During retreats, I have learned allowing time for fun and to process the messages is just as important as the message. These times allow the learning to settle in and to be processed. Alan delves deeper into this thought today.

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